“You get what you focus on. Let’s focus on what you want.”

Integral Coach

Helping you create a clear vision of what it is you’re looking for, what’s lacking in your life and what you want to achieve.


Struggling to get your message across? Feel like you’re not being heard? Let’s open the door to better communication.

One-On-One coaching

Divorce With Dignity Workshops



Hi! I’m Dominique

If you’ve landed on my page then it’s likely you’re looking for something. And I’m hoping I can help you find what that something is.

As a certified Integral Coach, I offer personalised one-on-one coaching and mentoring to help you create a clear vision of what it is you’re looking for, what’s lacking in your life or what it is you want to achieve.

I’ll assist you in creating an action plan to get you where you want to be and help you to clear the barriers and explore the mindset and headspace that will allow you to get there. And ultimately, we’ll get you to a place where you can self-correct and manage your own direction and progress going forward.


“At my first session with Dominique, I was in a stage of my life that was full of everything and nothing. My head felt numb with confusion, never knowing which way to turn. I didn’t know what to expect when I saw Dominique, or how she could help, but she patiently sat and listened, and gave tips to order things in my life. Through these little changes –  nothing scary or unmanageable – 
 I now feel like I am functioning and living as a happy human with a clear head and an exciting future. Thank you Dominique!”

“After a rushed cross country relocation to Cape Town , I found that I had lost a sense of myself. Having to establish a business and make new friends felt daunting! Enter Dominique. With organised and practical tools and a heap of compassion and humour, she gently guided me back towards reminding me who I was and what I could accomplish. I would highly recommend her as a coach to anyone looking to get knowledgeable help and guidance. I am very grateful for her wisdom and sharing of love in this world.”


“I knew something wasn’t working in my life, but couldn’t figure out what it was or what needed to change. I just felt stuck and unsatisfied.

Dominique helped me to identify what I wanted my life to look like and under her guidance I was able to take the necessary steps to get there. It has been a most enriching experience.”


Get In Touch!

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